Written by Flic Manning The very first time I got my period I was terrified. Not just because it was new, or because...

Written by Flic Manning The very first time I got my period I was terrified. Not just because it was new, or because...
By: Kelly Sgroi Because for too long I’ve kept quiet. That’s what we’re supposed to do, isn’t it? Hide in shame when...
‘’Perhaps it is just very bad period pain?” – Just one question asked by many (including yourself) when you are...
My first impressions of the Gynaecologist my GP sent me to weren’t really that great, living in a small country town...
I thought I was dying. I was on a family holiday, lying in our camper trailer bed with my mum and my little brother. I...
By Professor Luk Rombauts MD, PhD, FRANZCOG, CREI A sad story recently made the headlines on the website of The...
“Can I call you an ambulance?” I shook my head, and looked up, trying to bring my sweaty focus from the tiled floor up...
By Sophie Burns My name is Sophie Burns and I was diagnosed with endometriosis when I was 21 years old. When I was...
By PJ Madam I almost fell over when I first heard of Endometriosis Australia. It was being discussed on breakfast...
Prior to Australia’s annual surrogacy conference on 3-4 June, Sam Everingham looks at how one determined woman...