Endometriosis and FODMAPS

Endometriosis and FODMAPS

Endometriosis now affects approximately 1 in 9 women (1). This amounts to around 200 million women worldwide with diagnosis taking anywhere from 7-12 years (1). Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and endometriosis share many common features- low grade inflammation,...
Endometriosis and the urinary tract

Endometriosis and the urinary tract

By Dr Michael Wynn-Williams – Endometriosis Australia’s Clinical Advisory Committee Warning: Contains surgical imagery Endometriosis of the urinary tract involves endometrial “like” glands and stroma in or around the bladder, ureters or kidneys. In up to...
Fight like an EndoWarrior – Monique Mercy

Fight like an EndoWarrior – Monique Mercy

I did not know how to correctly pronounce endometriosis when I was diagnosed with it in ‘the year like no other’, 2020. During that time, I knew little about endometriosis or the effect it had and continues to have around the world. Fast forward to six...