Over the last couple of months, I’ve happened to attend a higher than average number of medical appointments. Nothing...

Over the last couple of months, I’ve happened to attend a higher than average number of medical appointments. Nothing...
By Professor Jason Abbott - Medical Director, Endometriosis Australia During the week, CNN posted a story on Lena...
I had to have a hysterectomy the day after my 23rd Birthday due to Adenomyosis, yep I hit the double jackpot of having...
I’m going to be honest, when I was first asked to write this, I possibly stared at a blank page for the better part of...
By Joanne Tyson Looking back now I always knew something was not right. I got my period when I was 12 years old. Every...
By Shirley My name is Shirley and I suffer with endometriosis. I found a way to manage my disease through diet and...