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Emily Doherty
Emily Doherty is originally from Queensland but now lives in Melbourne, Victoria. Emily is a qualified Speech Pathologist with a Bachelor of Business Management, Marketing and International Business. Emily works as a model, digital influencer, business owner and Pilates instructor.
Emily was diagnosed with endometriosis by chance in 2019 when she underwent an emergency laparoscopy for a ruptured ovarian cyst. Emily feels that her endometriosis diagnosis was a relief, as there was now an answer as to why she had always experienced extremely painful periods. Tough at that point, Emily knew very little about endometriosis. This is what inspired Emily to subsequently create the Instagram account “Endo Girl Gang” (@endogirlgang), in order to educate herself on endometriosis, raise awareness for this debilitating medical condition and to connect with those suffering from the disease.
Emily is presently seeking treatment from an exceptionally knowledgeable and empathic specialist. Which has provided empowerment, and a belief that her goals can be achieved, whilst living with endometriosis.