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Caitlin Tough
Caitlin Tough is a persistent, dedicated, and experienced EndoWarrior who has suffered from endometriosis since the age of 11. Her high school years were overshadowed by missing school and events due to pelvic pain and heavy periods. Caitlin worked hard and was accepted into her chosen university course despite constant symptoms of pain and heavy, frequent bleeding, multiple gynecologist visits, trying different hormonal birth controls, visits to the emergency department, blood tests, ultrasounds, and restrictive diets.
Caitlin was diagnosed with adenomyosis at age 22. At age 25 she underwent a diagnostic laparoscopy to confirm the adenomyosis and endometriosis was found as well.
Throughout her nearly two decades of experiencing symptoms, Caitlin has dealt with many uninformed health professionals, colleagues, managers, acquaintances, and friends, including a GP who told her in her early teens that her pelvic pain was because she was tall and skinny. “She said that there was not enough room for my bowel, trapping gas and causing pain.”
Caitlin is motivated by these experiences and often tells her story to strangers and acquaintances to spread awareness. She has shared her experiences at ACT Labor Party Conferences, with colleagues, with friends, through Facebook posts, and spoke at Parliament House with Endometriosis Australia in November 2022.
Caitlin has said “I want to be an Ambassador for Endometriosis Australia because I never want another teenager to go through that again, doubting herself, thinking maybe she just can’t handle having a period and she is the problem.”
Caitlin works in public policy, and has raised funds for Frocktober, the Ovarian Cancer Research Association’s annual fundraiser for research into an early detection test. She is looking forward to assisting with Endometriosis Australia’s future high tea and fundraising events.