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Past Research Grant Recipients

2024 Research Grant Recipients

Endometriosis Australia has awarded a total sum of $182,102 to the following endometriosis-related projects:

Patient Centered Educational or Support Tools Dr Beck O’Hara

Title: Talking Fertility: Patient perspectives of fertility conversations with health professionals

University/Entity: The University of Adelaide 

Awarded: $34,466 

The outcome of this project is the development of co-created resources for the community to facilitate discussions about fertility between patients and HCPs. It addresses a gap in the literature by exploring patient experiences, needs and wants as they relate to navigating fertility discussions in healthcare settings. 

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Basic sciences associated with endometriosis
Toobah Farooqi, PhD Candidate

Title: Evaluation of Gut Microbiota, Endocannabinoid Levels, and Inflammatory Markers in Endometriosis

University/Entity: Western Sydney University 

Awarded: $39,361.55 

This study will investigate gut microbiota, vaginal microflora, endocannabinoid levels, and inflammatory markers in individuals with endometriosis, potentially paving the way for novel therapeutic strategies, including cannabinoid-based interventions, to improve patient outcomes. 

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Professor Deborah Marsh

Title: Identifying markers of ovarian cancer risk in patients with endometriosis

University/Entity: University of Technology Sydney 

Awarded: $48,744 

This study will be using immunohistochemic analysis of SWI/SNF complex members from samples from endometriosis patience and ovarian cancer to show differential staining patterns that reveal fundamental aspects regarding the biology of endometriosis that may be harnessed as a prognostic marker for endometriosis.  

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Dr Sugarniya Subramaniam

Title: Growing complex 3-dimensional endometriosis lesions in the laboratory: moving the trial-and-error approach to treatment from the patient to the lab

University/Entity: The University of Queensland 

Awarded: $59,532 

With the aim to establish and characterize patient-derived in-vitro models and to assess the impact and interaction between endometrium organoids and immune cells to evaluate their impact on endometrial pathology.  

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2023 Research Grant Recipients

​Endometriosis Australia is awarded a total sum of $270,000 to the following endometriosis-related projects:

Patient Centred Educational or Support Tools

Professor Kerry Shermanh

Title: Empowering people living with endometriosis through EndoChoice, a co-designed decision aid

University/Entity: Macquarie University

Awarded: $59,701

Dr Siew Lim

Title: Endometriosis in priority populations: Co-design of resources
and dissemination pathways.

University/Entity: Monash University

Awarded: $62,166

Medical, surgical and allied health aspects of endometriosis care

Dr Leesa Van Niekerk

Title: CoDesign, Feasibility, and Acceptability of an Interdisciplinary Body Compassion Protocol for People Living with Endometriosis

University/Entity: University of Tasmania

Awarded: $33,448

Basic sciences associated with endometriosis

Kate Gunther, PhD Candidate

Title: Genomics and Spatial transciptomics of diverse endometriosis
types to understand biology

University/Entity: University of New South Wales

Awarded: $70,000

Dr Shanti Gurung

Title: Harnessing the uterine fluid-derived antimicrobial peptides in the fight against endometriosis

University/Entity: Monash University

Awarded: $37,200

2022 Research Grant Recipients

​Endometriosis Australia is awarded a total sum of $170,000 to the following endometriosis-related projects:

Dr Jacquie Mills

Title: Let’s Talk About Sex: The Development of Communication Tools for People Living with Endometriosis

University/Entity: Deakin University

Category: Patient-centred educational or support tools

Dr Thomas Tapmeier

Title: Validating small extracellular vesicles as non-invasive biomarkers in endometriosis

University/Entity: Monash University

Category: Basic sciences associated with endometriosis

Dr Kate Tyson

Title: Consumers and health professionals’ views on what a multidisciplinary team care model for endometriosis should include: MDT Care Study

University/Entity: Epworth HealthCare

Category: Medical surgical and allied health aspects of endometriosis care